What Constitutes Unlawful Use Of A Weapon In Illinois?

Understanding the legal parameters of unlawful use of a weapon in Illinois is essential for anyone owning or considering the ownership of firearms and other weapons within the state. Illinois law defines several scenarios under which the use, possession, or carrying of a weapon can be considered illegal. This legal …

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What Should I Do if Pulled over for DUI?

Being pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) in Illinois can be a stressful and potentially life-altering experience. Knowing how to handle the situation calmly and in compliance with Illinois criminal law is crucial. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to …

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Keep Your Driving Privileges After a DUI Conviction

Keep Your Driving Privileges One of the most devastating effects of a DUI conviction is losing your rights to drive. Your job, your social activities and your everyday errands can become expensive or a toll on your friends and loved ones. If you can’t afford not having your vehicle, consider …

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Need Rehabilitation After Trial?

Rehabilitation If you suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, when the trial is over, the case is not necessarily closed. Rehabilitation is the next step to putting the entire incident behind you and moving forward in your life. Treatment programs are available for substance abuse, problems with mental health, anger …

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Heroin Addiction Breaking the Cycle with Methadone

There is a growing epidemic of heroin use in the United States; the Drug Enforcement Administration found that heroin use and deaths involving heroin tripled from 2007 to 2014. These statistics illustrate how necessary finding a solution for this addiction is. In order to aid in the fight, federal regulations …

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Police Shootings Will Not Stop

With recent shootings of individuals progressing from simple traffic stops, citizens and civil right groups are left wondering how to stop this escalation from happening.   One can name numerous cases of traffic stops ending in death; Sandra Bland from Texas was pulled over for failing to use a turn signal …

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