Self-Defense Laws in Illinois

Legal self-defense allows individuals to use necessary and proportionate force to protect themselves or others from imminent harm. Understanding the nuances of self-defense laws is crucial to ensure your actions are justified and legally protected.

Criminal Conviction Appeals in Illinois

Facing a criminal conviction in Illinois? Discover how conviction appeals can offer a path to justice. Learn the steps, strategies, and why skilled legal representation is crucial. Read on to protect your rights.

Arrested for drug possession?

In Illinois, the penalties for drug charges can be severe. Drug charges are based upon quantity, intent to sell or distribute, and other factors such as weapons possession or use, evidence of sales activity (like possession of large quantities of cash), among various others. Possession with intent to deliver is considered a …

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Homicide & Murder Charges

Edward Johnson best lawyer chicago and top rated criminal defense attorney

Homicide and Manslaughter Attorneys Law Office ofEdward Johnson and Associates P.C. Recognized Homicide Attorneys in Illinois. If you are being charged with a homicide by the Illinois authorities, Contact Us at 708.606.4386 today! What Is Homicide? Homicide is defined as the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; …

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Technological Trend: Warrants

The “Maps” application found on virtually all mobile phones has more than one use especially for law enforcement.  Recently, more warrants have been issued by law enforcement to collect information about the movements and activities of Android users.  By utilizing this strategy, law enforcement are able to chronicle the whereabouts …

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Illinois to Tighten Gun Laws

Illinois legislators are taking the lead of President Obama this week by proposing more measures to ensure gun control.  The bill, which has yet to be named, will be reviewed by the State House sometime this week.  The bill’s goal is to encourage better business practices by gun dealers and …

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Dennis Hastert Gets 15 Month Sentence

On April 27, 2016, Dennis Hastert, one of the most powerful politicians in the nation, was sentenced by Federal Judge Thomas Durkin to 15 months in prison.  Hastert pled guilty to structuring bank transaction withdrawals to evade bank-reporting requirements.  Federal officials determined the reason for the hush money was to …

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Removal of Storage Lockers in Leighton

On Monday, April 4, as defendants and attorneys filed into lines to get past security, some people were forced to rush back to their cars to store their cell phones.  As of April 2, 2016, the Cook County Department of Facilities Management declared that they would no longer provide storage …

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