Cook County Jail Hunger Strike

Cook County Jail Hunger Strike Chicago

COVID-19 has peaked the levels of all citizens in the US, including those incarcerated. Cook County inmates have begun denying ordinary nourishment, a form of hunger strike, in the hopes of receiving better treatment and conditions in their county jail in the heart of Chicago, Illinois.

Illinois DUI Realities and Risks

Arrests are terrifying. Even when the arrestee believes they’re innocent or has legitimate reasons for their actions, being detained by authorities can be so harrowing that they forget they’re owed due process.

Addiction Strikes Attorneys

Given the intensity of workweeks, averaging 60 hours, this should come as no surprise that lawyers have increasingly turned to unhealthy ways to cope with the stress.  According to the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs, “Up to 21 percent of licensed, …

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Motive vs. Action

Contact Chicago's Top Criminal Lawyers

One of the first things they teach you in an intro to law course is what the courts focus on. The parts of an accusation include both the actus reus and mens rea. These translate to the guilty act and the guilty mind. Understanding these, your lawyer is able to …

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Actual Physical Control: The What If Loop Hole

Individuals who have consumed alcohol and are not safe to drive, have options available to get home safely: sleep it off in your car, simply wait for the alcohol to pass, or call a friend. Many defendants may not know however, that some of these options will still lead to …

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