Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock and relive a particular moment? For thousands of inmates under the age of eighteen, this second chance is coming true.
The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Monday, based on an earlier case in 2012, that life imprisonment without parole for juveniles is cruel and unusual. (The Eighth Amendment does not allow the federal government to impose this cruel and unusual punishment.) Prisoners will be allowed to try and receive parole or be re-sentenced. This softening of the law was also based on differences found in adult versus child criminal mindsets.
As stated by Justice Anthony Kennedy, “Children are constitutionally different from adults in their level of culpability,” and “…must be given the opportunity to show their crime did not reflect irreparable corruption, and if it did not, their hope for some years outside prison walls must be restored.,”
So far, California and most other states have agreed to give this unique opportunity to their inmates. However, seven other states remain adamant that this court ruling does not apply to their cases. Nicole Rhim
If you have a case concerning a juvenile, call Attorney Edward Johnson for help today at 708.606.4386.