Motive vs. Action

Contact Chicago's Top Criminal Lawyers

One of the first things they teach you in an intro to law course is what the courts focus on. The parts of an accusation include both the actus reus and mens rea. These translate to the guilty act and the guilty mind. Understanding these, your lawyer is able to …

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Actual Physical Control: The What If Loop Hole

Individuals who have consumed alcohol and are not safe to drive, have options available to get home safely: sleep it off in your car, simply wait for the alcohol to pass, or call a friend. Many defendants may not know however, that some of these options will still lead to …

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Keep Your Driving Privileges After a DUI Conviction

Keep Your Driving Privileges One of the most devastating effects of a DUI conviction is losing your rights to drive. Your job, your social activities and your everyday errands can become expensive or a toll on your friends and loved ones. If you can’t afford not having your vehicle, consider …

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Need Rehabilitation After Trial?

Rehabilitation If you suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, when the trial is over, the case is not necessarily closed. Rehabilitation is the next step to putting the entire incident behind you and moving forward in your life. Treatment programs are available for substance abuse, problems with mental health, anger …

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Arrested for drug possession?

In Illinois, the penalties for drug charges can be severe. Drug charges are based upon quantity, intent to sell or distribute, and other factors such as weapons possession or use, evidence of sales activity (like possession of large quantities of cash), among various others. Possession with intent to deliver is considered a …

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Homicide & Murder Charges

Edward Johnson best lawyer chicago and top rated criminal defense attorney

Homicide and Manslaughter Attorneys Law Office ofEdward Johnson and Associates P.C. Recognized Homicide Attorneys in Illinois. If you are being charged with a homicide by the Illinois authorities, Contact Us at 708.606.4386 today! What Is Homicide? Homicide is defined as the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; …

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Heroin Addiction Breaking the Cycle with Methadone

There is a growing epidemic of heroin use in the United States; the Drug Enforcement Administration found that heroin use and deaths involving heroin tripled from 2007 to 2014. These statistics illustrate how necessary finding a solution for this addiction is. In order to aid in the fight, federal regulations …

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Police Shootings Will Not Stop

With recent shootings of individuals progressing from simple traffic stops, citizens and civil right groups are left wondering how to stop this escalation from happening.   One can name numerous cases of traffic stops ending in death; Sandra Bland from Texas was pulled over for failing to use a turn signal …

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Breaking Heroin Addiction

There is a growing epidemic of heroin use in the United States; the Drug Enforcement Administration found that heroin use and deaths involving heroin tripled from 2007 to 2014.  These statistics illustrate how necessary finding a solution for this addiction is.  In order to aid in the fight, federal regulations …

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Technological Trend: Warrants

The “Maps” application found on virtually all mobile phones has more than one use especially for law enforcement.  Recently, more warrants have been issued by law enforcement to collect information about the movements and activities of Android users.  By utilizing this strategy, law enforcement are able to chronicle the whereabouts …

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